Linkedin Profile
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
3651 Watt Way, VHE-402
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Research Projects
+ Fabrication, Design, and Analysis of Out-of-Autoclave Prepreg with High Through-Thickness Permeability
+ Sarah G.K. Schechter, Timotei Centea, Steven R. Nutt. “Effect of Resin Distribution Pattern on Through-Thickness Air Removal for Vacuum Bag-Only Prepregs,”under review.
+ Sarah G.K. Schechter, Timotei Centea, Steven R. Nutt. “Polymer Film Dewetting for Fabrication of Out-of-Autoclave Prepreg with High Through-Thickness Permeability.”Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 114, (2018), 86-96. DOI.
+ Lessa K. Grunenfelder, Sarah Katz, Timotei Centea, Steven Nutt, “Through-Thickness Permeable Prepreg for Robust Vacuum Bag Only Processing” SAMPE Journal 54, (2018), 40-46.
Conference Papers
+ Sarah G.K. Schechter, Timotei Centea, Steven R. Nutt. “Through-Thickness Air Removal of Vacuum-Bag-Only Prepregs with Discontinuous Resin Distribution” CAMx Conf, Anaheim, (2019).
+ Sarah G.K. Schechter, Timotei Centea, Steven R. Nutt. “Fabrication Of Out-Of-Autoclave Prepreg With High Through-Thickness Permeability By Polymer Film Dewetting” SAMPE Conf, Long Beach, (2018).
+ Lessa Grunenfelder, Sarah Katz, Timotei Centea, Steven R. Nutt. “Through-Thickness Permeable Prepreg For Robust Vacuum Bag Only Processing” SAMPE Conf, Seattle, (2017).
+ M.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California (2018)
+ B.S. in Chemical Engineering, University of Florida (2013)
+ 2015 – Present: PhD Candidate, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern California
+ 2013 – 2015: R&D Engineer, Substrate Packaging Technology Development, Intel Corporation
Honors and Awards
+ Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Scholar, 2016 – 2019
+ First Place, Outstanding Technical Paper Awards, Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Conference, 2018
+ National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), Honorable Mention, 2016-2017
+ Mork Family Doctoral Fellowship, 2015-2017