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Bo Jin named Fellow by USC CET (Center for Excellence in Teaching)

Posted in News

August 21, 2012

Bo Jin was named a Teaching Assistant Fellow by USC’s Center for Excellence in Teaching. He is the only student in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering to receive this honor this year.


About Bo Jin:

Bo is a 2nd year Ph.D. student and teaching assistant in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, as well as a research assistant in the McGill Composites Center under the Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science. His research work focuses on computational mechanics on high-performance composites, modeling, and finite element analysis.

Before joining USC, Bo was a research assistant and teaching assistant, also a course lecturer at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, where he received his M.S. degree.

During his time at USC and Rutgers, Bo taught the following courses by himself: “Mechanical Engineering Computational Analysis and Design with Numerical Methods (Advanced MATLAB)”, “Engineering Computing with MATLAB” and “Engineering Mechanics Statics”. He was also the TA, the discussion session instructor, and the recitation session teacher for the courses “Aircraft Structural Analysis (Aerospace Structures)”, “Computational Solutions to Engineering Problems (Numerical Methods using MATLAB)” and “Introduction to Computational Methods using MATLAB” respectively.

Bo has extensive study and living experience in Asia, Europe, and America. During his time at USC, he also serves as the vice president of USC_CSSA (USC Chinese Students and Scholars Association).