Timotei Centea
Postdoctoral Fellow – Research Associate
Linkedin Profile
Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science 3651 Watt Way, VHE-416 University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089 Email: centea@usc.edu Phone: 213-740-3721 |
+ Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2013) | McGill University, Montreal, Canada
– Thesis: Material – Processing – Quality
– Relationships During the Consolidation if Out-of-Autoclave Prepregs (2013)
+ B.Eng. in Honours Mechanical Engineering (2008) | McGill University, Montral Canada
– Thesis: Resin Characterization and Numerical Modeling of Process-Induced
Deformations (2007)
+ 2013 – Present: Post-Doctoral Fellow – Research Associate, M.C.Gill Center for Composites,
Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Southern
California (Los Angeles, CA, United States)
+ 2008 – 2013: Ph.D. Student, Structures and Composite Materials Laboratory, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, McGill University (Montreal, QC, Canada)
+ 2007 – 2008: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant, Structures and Composite Materials
Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University (Montreal, QC, Canada)
+ Sustainable Manufacturing Using Out-of-Autoclave Processing
+ Volatile-Induced Porosity of Resin Transfer Molded Composites
+ Non-Destructive Inspection of Composites Using Eddy Current Sensing
Recent Publications
+ T. Centea and S.R. Nutt. “Manufacturing Cost Relationships for Vacuum Bag-Only Prepreg Processing” Journal of Composite Materials. 2015. (Submitted to Journal of Composite Materials).
+ L. Hamill, T. Centea and S.R. Nutt. “Surface Porosity During Vacuum Bag-Only Prepreg Processing: Causes and Mitigation Strategies” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015. 75: p.1-10.
+ T. Centea, L.K. Grunenfelder and S.R. Nutt. “A Review of Out-of-Autoclave Prepreg Processing – Material Properties, Processing Phenomena and Manufacturing Considerations” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2015. 70: p.132-154.
+ D. Kim, T. Centea and S.R. Nutt. “In-Situ Dielectric Monitoring of an Out-of-Autoclave Prepreg: Effects of Out-Time on Viscosity, Gelation and Vitrification” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2014. 100: p.63-69.
+ D. Kim, T. Centea and S.R. Nutt. “Out-time Effects on Cure Kinetics and Viscosity Measurements for an Out-of-Autoclave (OOA) Prepreg: Modelling and Monitoring” Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2014. 102: p.132-138.